LEGOLAND California has many policies and procedures in place that make our Resort a safe place for our guests and staff members. Video surveillance cameras are in use at various locations around the Park. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult who is at least 18 years of age. In order to help maintain our family atmosphere, we request that there be no offensive language or behavior. No offensive or rude clothing is allowed. For the comfort of those around you, we request there be no flash photography, smoking, eating or drinking in any attraction. All Guests are subject to bag checks before entry.
Prohibited Items:
◦No weapons of any kind are allowed on Resort property
◦Marijuana, alcohol or any illegal substances
◦Food or beverages (water, small snacks and items required for medical or specific dietary purposes are permitted)
◦No glass containers (baby food containers are permitted)
◦Luggage, rolling backpacks, carts and similar items
◦Segway's, roller blades, scooters, hover boards, wheeled shoes and skateboards
◦Folding chairs
LEGOLAND California reserves the right to search/inspect any item and not allow any other items determined to be harmful.
Resort Guest Services will not hold any of these prohibited items.
Resort Rangers patrol all areas of the Resort and are more than happy to help or advise.