General Information about LEGOLAND Resort Hotel
Everything you need to know about staying at our hotel.
- Do you have a LEGOLAND Hotel Arrival & Check-in Guide?
- What are your hotel pool hours?
- Is smoking allowed at the LEGOLAND California Hotel?
- Do you have anywhere I can store my luggage, If I am arriving before check-in time at the LEGOLAND / Castle Hotel?
- How big is the LEGOLAND California Hotel?
- Are pets allowed in the LEGOLAND California Hotel?
- What amenities are available at the LEGOLAND California Hotel?
- Is there storage space available to store luggage before/after check-in and check-out?
- What is the LEGO prize inside the treasure chest?
- Can I rent a Stroller/Wheelchair for the day at the LEGOLAND California Hotel?
- Can we bring balloons into the Hotel?
- What time is Check In/Out at the LEGOLAND California Hotel?
- What is the closest beach to LEGOLAND California Resort?
- Can I use my drone around the hotel?
- What is the Welcome Treasure Hunt at the LEGOLAND Hotel?
- What time is Early Access to the Park?
- Is breakfast included in my LEGOLAND California Hotel stay?
- What Children's amenities do you have at the LEGOLAND Hotel?
- Do you have a pool at the LEGOLAND hotel?
- Is the LEGOLAND hotel pool heated?
- Can Children be unaccompanied by the LEGOLAND hotel pool?
- What are your LEGOLAND hotel pool restrictions?
- Do you have a retail shop in the hotel?
- What Nightly Entertainment do you have?