General Information about LEGOLAND California Resort
Everything you need to know about LEGOLAND California Resort to plan your visit.
- When is the Parade?
- What measures are being taken to protect guests against COVID-19?
- What is Minifigure Trading?
- Can I visit LEGOLAND California without a child?
- How do I use the Reverse ATM or Cash-to-card Kiosks?
- Does LEGOLAND California Resort accept cash payments?
- Does LEGOLAND California have free birthday admission?
- Can I store my luggage at the Park when I arrive to visit?
- What events do you have coming up at LEGOLAND California?
- Can I return or exchange a retail item I bought in the Park to a LEGO Store?
- I wanted to inquire about dining options available at the park that would be suitable for a guest with dietary needs?
- Do I need to remove my prosthesis before I ride the rides?
- What food options are there at LEGOLAND California?
- How long will it take to visit the rides and attractions?
- Is LEGOLAND California suitable for teenagers?
- What qualifies as a Rainy Day?
- What else do I need to know about inclement weather?
- Is commercial photography allowed inside LEGOLAND California?
- Where do I report a lost or found item at LEGOLAND Park?
- What do I do if I become separated from my family at LEGOLAND California?
- Can I rent a stroller for the day?
- Does LEGOLAND recycle?
- When is the quietest time to visit LEGOLAND California?
- Will I have to queue to get into LEGOLAND California?
- Can I take a backpack into LEGOLAND?
- Do I need to pre-purchase my tickets to visit the same day?
- Do you have a drop off area?
- Can I leave and re-enter the park on the same day?
- What security measures does LEGOLAND California Resort have in place concerning safety in the parks?
- Can I use my drone inside the Park?