Guests with Disabilities
Helpful information for guests with Disabilities.
- What is the LEGOLAND California Resort Accessibility and ADA information?
- How does LEGOLAND California Resort support guests with autism?
- What is the Assisted Access Pass?
- Am I entitled to a free caregiver ticket at LEGOLAND California?
- Are there accommodations available for those with visual and hearing disabilities?
- Are your rides and attractions ADA accessible?
- Can I bring my service animal with me to the Resort?
- What are the costs for stroller, wheelchair, and ECV rental?
- Are there ride restrictions for guests who have a cast?
- Where is ECV/Wheelchair Rental?
- What should I do if my family member with a disability needs to remain in a stroller while in the attraction queues?
- Where can we go if my family member with a disability becomes over-stimulated or needs a break area?
- Do I have to pay for parking if I have a disabled parking placard?
- What if I forgot my parking placard? Can I still park in the Disabled Parking spots?
- Do you have accessible restrooms at SEA LIFE California?
- Are there any restrictions for wheelchair users at SEA LIFE California?